
Journal of Islamic Studies and Thought for Specialized Research

About the Journal :

Journal of Islamic studies and thought for specialized research, a magazine working in the field of intellectual reform and knowledge, as one of the pillars of the project of contemporary Islamic civilization.
The magazine seeks to be a port for scientists, thinkers, researchers and intellectuals to work hard to reform the Islamic thought and methodology at the nation level, exceeding the boundaries of language and region, to serve humanity as a whole in order to achieve the greater goal of promoting the levels of human thought at the global level.
The Journal of Islamic Studies and Thought for Specialized Research aims at providing high-quality scientific research in order to provide an excellent scientific material. It is useful for researchers, intellectuals and specialists to form a scientific reference in the process of achieving our vision. The magazine undertakes to communicate with researchers and writers from different walks of life to promote their research and articles. Including the scientific movement and intellectual efforts in the field of reform and promotion of the system of human thought.


Dr .Ahmed younes Ali

Abstract The Islamic faith is considered the basis for human advancement, societies, peoples and nations. Because the Islamic faith contributes to the intellectual, moral and social building of man, and this building helps in the building and advancement of nations and societies. The study focuses on the importance of the Islamic faith and its role in the advancement of nations and societies. The study aims to clarify and highlight the role of the Islamic faith and its importance in the advancement of nations and societies. The study discusses the problem of the relationship of the Islamic faith to the sophistication of nations and societies. As for the study method, it is the descriptive analytical method. As for the results of the study, they are: The Islamic belief has a great impact on building a person and improving him psychologically, physically, spiritually and financially.