
Journal of Islamic Studies and Thought for Specialized Research

About the Journal :

Journal of Islamic studies and thought for specialized research, a magazine working in the field of intellectual reform and knowledge, as one of the pillars of the project of contemporary Islamic civilization.
The magazine seeks to be a port for scientists, thinkers, researchers and intellectuals to work hard to reform the Islamic thought and methodology at the nation level, exceeding the boundaries of language and region, to serve humanity as a whole in order to achieve the greater goal of promoting the levels of human thought at the global level.
The Journal of Islamic Studies and Thought for Specialized Research aims at providing high-quality scientific research in order to provide an excellent scientific material. It is useful for researchers, intellectuals and specialists to form a scientific reference in the process of achieving our vision. The magazine undertakes to communicate with researchers and writers from different walks of life to promote their research and articles. Including the scientific movement and intellectual efforts in the field of reform and promotion of the system of human thought.



One of the old concepts is the concept of quality , But it was affected by the changes of the times, and here the problem of this research, which aims to read the Islamic quality in Islam in a complete and correct way, and the research followed the analytical approach to analyze the legal texts and the sayings of scholars that conclude the principles of quality in Islam, and it has emerged from the results that  Quality has several principles, the most important of which is to develop the competence of workers by providing them with the information and skills necessary to complete their work with high quality, and the need to train them with their job needs, and that the Prophet’s Mosque is the first institute for training, and that the required work must be carried out according to a specific method, so the Islamic costs are stipulated  Procedures on the arrangement and sequence, as in the work of prayer and acts of Hajj and Umrah and divorce proceedings, as provided for authentication and certification procedures. 

 Key words: Quality, Comprehensive, Elements, Islam